Wednesday, October 19, 2022

How to choose the right branding strategy?

It is hard when you start to succeed with branding. If you are in an early stage and you need to plan and execute a brand strategy that is suitable to your market segment. Once you focus on branding strategy, then you have a plan and an outline to work on. You can follow these guidelines to execute your strategy. You need to know the marketsize and the expenditure of the ideal customers. You need an ideal customer profile. 

How can we describe a brand strategy?

It is creating a plan to execute that include all the details such as how you interact with your customers, creating a brand's personality, projecting the brand's identity to deliver a message to the customers and your logo and print materials. When these aspects work with each other in harmony, then you will have a chance to grow your business. The stratgey will depend on what type of business you own. The branding strategy will change once your company will grow and you need to create a new brand strategy, when this occurs.

These are key branding strategies for start-ups.

If you are starting a business then your strategy will be different from already established businesses. Already established business will choose a brand stratgey that is called line extention strategy. This includes creating new products, This means that these companies will serve an already exsisting audience or create a further market to fill their need. For company's just starting out it is a matter of fact to build a core strategy before the strategy start to branch out too much.

Brand strategies for start-ups.

These are few of the business strategies that would help you out as a new business person.

New brand strategy: This is creating a brand strategy around a central product and launch this product for an audience with this product as the main product. This strategy will work for a brand that is already established and want to get a new market share by creating a new product.

Flanker brand strategy: This is when you want a large customer audience for your brand. Then you need to create different product variations that is appealing to various customer groups. This when you create a high-end products such as TV's in large quantities to be sold to a large market because it is affordable. 

Attitude brand strategy: This is when you focus your brand strategy to get your brand identity to appeal in a certain way as healthy, determined, positive and self accountable for example. Take Nike for example they project an image to their market as those above named words. This is when expressing your brand image as a connection, marketing a lifestyle or as an emotion.

Competitor brand strategy: This when you know that there is a large market for your brand and want a bigger piece of the pie to gain more profits by rising above the competitors. This means that you need to create a new product or adjust your product to the current product trends to fight the competition. Then you just need to know how you can focus on the competitor brand strategy to beat the competition by getting a bigger piece of the market share.

How to choose a brand strategy?.

Depending on if you are just getting warm or already an established company. You need to focus on values, identity and promises that your brand makes. You need to know what your target audience is. What does your brand promise to the market?. What type of values do you deliver as a message?. What story has your brand to tell?. Everyone working for your company should know about the core values and identity of your brand. Especially the customer service must have the know-how about what your brand is.

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